I have spent the last two days in my PJ's laying around the house. I had the two days off. I read a book that I received for Christmas, Donald Trump's "How to Think Big and Kick Ass" It's an awesome book, the man is a genius and I strongly recommend you purchase it. You can get it Indigo or Barnes and Noble, go order it now....I'll wait.
Now that you've done that you can settle down and read it once you've finished my post.
This is my year to think big and kick ass. I know I can do this and frankly it's about time. I say this every year. I say it in January, I convince myself through February that I am still going to do this. March I say, "Well I am waiting for the spring. Then I say well, "The summer is the best time" Then I say, "Well the kids are home for the summer, so I'll start in September when they go back to school" And then I just get down on myself by the fall because I haven't done a damn thing all year. Of course then there's Christmas and it's too busy then!
I've formulated a plan and started an online business. I would simply quit my job at the restaurant so I have to work it, but I do need some form of an income.
So what say you? Should I just jump in with both feet, quit the job and do the business full force? Or play it safe, and do the job until the online picks up?
Note: My hubby would shit a brick if I simply quit my job. He is a "safe" type guy. He likes knowing a paycheque is coming every two weeks and how much it is. The bills are this much, they come at this time of the month, he mails the cheques out (yes he still acutally mails out cheques with a stamp and everything). He is not a risk taker. He could never be a sales person who works strickly on commission, although he would be a great one.
I am a risk taker and can sell ice to an eskimo.
I'll buy some ice from you if it is served nakid...
Oh hello sweetie! Hooray for you!
I'd say stay with the job till you feel confident that you'll be able to cover your expenses.
It's one thing to jump in with both feet but quite another to risk living in your car!!
Good luck honey!
Thanks Steph,
Although I do like my minivan I do not wish to live in it. It's winter here now -23 so you know, the house is good at the moment!
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